The renter must be over the age of 20 years old with a passport and an international driving permit (IDP),credit card(Visa/ MasterCard/ JCB/AE).
International driving permit is another evidence for driving permit, by traffic law 55th article, it notes the international visitors who are from our reciprocal benefit countries, and have international driving permit and are doing 30 days short time stay in our country, they are allowed to drive without visa for international driving permit. but, if the visitor stays over 30 days, then they will need to apply for an international driving permit to our governmental offices.
The visa for international driving permit expires only 1 year time, if the international driving permit or the residence permit expired before 1 year time, then the deadline will base on the earliest date, and visitors will not be allowed to drive after this date.
For foreigner, we will copy your credit card with a blank sign for traffic fine. The blank sign will with “Traffic fine only”. If we receive your traffic fine or parking fee, we will inform you before we swipe your card for traffic fine or parking fee. Additionally, traffic fine and parking fee pay by credit card will charge a 10% extra fee.
海外顧客は事前に「Traffic fine only」書いてある空白了承書に署名いただきます。
取消訂車通知 Cancel the reservation |
退還已繳訂金 Give back deposit |
10日前(含10日)before 10 days | 100% |
4-9日(Days) | 50% |
3日或怠於通知In 3days or no notify | 0% |
租車一日以24小計算,承租人須於約定時間交還車輛,逾時租金每小時為車款定價十分之一計; 逾時六小時以一日計費。已出租車輛提前還車皆不退費。若需延遲車輛時間請於還車時間前3小時內致電通知, 並於還車時繳清費用,續租則需先來電確定是否可延用車輛並先將費用繳清。
單日行駛里程限400公里 (可累計)
高速公路過路費(ETC)於還車時,網路連線查詢,實支實付 (建議現金付款,信用卡支付須另外負擔手續費用)。
附註:租車期間内,所生產之違規、停車費,皆由承租人負擔,收到違規通知單。 本公司將收取 10%服務費 (刷卡付款另需加刷卡手續費)
車輛使用之燃料由使用者付費,請承租人於合法之加油站添加,歸還車輛前需將油量補足至與出車相同油量歸還,多出的燃料不另退還或退費。 還車時油量若低於出車時之油量,承租人須自行至加油站加油,或同意本公司收取短缺之油料油費並外加 100元服務費。
Over 1 hour from the pickup time and without any previous notice, it will be viewed as a cancellation. We can rent the vehicle to others. If you want to change the pickup time, the discount will be recalculated.
When Renter needs to cancel the reservation, we will charge the give back deposit.
The deposit should be 30% of the rental fees. During Chinese Lunar New Year, it is 50% of the rental fees. Balance should be paid when picking up and cannot be on-the-tab
When picking up the vehicle, please show the valid driver‵s license, ID, credit card, passport, and reservation form, international driver‵s license. If documents do not meet the requirements, we have the right to decide the vehicle check-out or not.
If the vehicle cannot be out due to inevitable factors, we can replace the same class of the vehicles.
If you have any questions or need to make some changes, please contact us.
You can return your rental car to a different location other than where you rented it (One-Way rental) subject to availability. ( please inquire for)
車輛發生碰撞或失竊時,請保持現場完整,並立即報警110處理 (please call the police: 110),切勿與對方私下和解, 並立即聯絡本公司04-25205556,否則承租人須自行負責賠償責任,且無法享保險理賠保障。
車輛若需维修,以原廠或本公司特約服務廠為唯一修理廠,以维持車輛之安全性,承租之車輛如有碰撞或遺失…等, 依交通部經行政院消費者保護委員會核定之定型化契約上記載之計算公式表計費·。
租車不論自撞或是與他車擦撞,切記一定要報警,千萬不要覺得小傷「看不出來」,或是對方駕駛覺得無所謂, 而忽略了報警的重要性,因為事後釐清肇事責任、保險公司理賠等,都需要警方開立的「事故登記聯單」作證明。
因此車禍當下除報警、通知租車公司外,也請保留現場,並盡可能初步採證(拍照),待警方到場後作後續處理, 未徵得租車公司同意前,不得私下與對方達成和解,車輛也需交由原廠負責修護。
3.任意第三人責任險NT230萬元 (含財損NT30萬元;超額由承租人負擔)。
4.乘客責任險每人NT100萬元 (客車4-8人*NT100萬元),駕駛人傷害險每人NT100萬元。
1.Mandatory vehicle liability insurance:up to NT$2,000,000 coverage for injuries due to an accident.
2.Third party liability: Maximum NT$2,000,000 for person for injury / Maximum NT$300,000 per property damage per accident.
3.Driver‵s injury & passenger liability:Maximum NT$1,000,000 per person, excluding overload passenger.
4.Vehicle damage:Maximum deductible NT$ 20,000 for vehicle damage.
營業損失:車輛如有損壞時,送廠維修期間無法承租給其他客戶使用,公司將依維修天數向承租人酌收租金 (最高上限20日)。
車輛輪胎為消耗品,保險公司不予理賠,如承租期間造成輪胎破損 (觸碰到釘子、玻璃..等,人為造成),輪胎費用需由承租人負擔。
Please note all insurance will not cover the injuries or in-car equipment damages.
Due to natural accidents including but not limited flood, typhoon, and earthquake. The Renter (main driver) is responsible for any and all loss of or damage to the car resulting from any cause including but not limited to collision, rollover, theft, tire damage and vandalism, medical condition, flood, fire, hail or other acts of Nature.
Immobilization charge:Loss of damage while car is being repaired and cannot be rented out. The total immobilization charge shall be charged up to 30 workdays (total amount and rate shall refer to signed rental agreement)
Please note that all insurance mentioned/covered in rental agreement is subjected for the Renter (main driver) and additional driver documented of rental agreement only.
何謂自負額 ?
為什麼需要自負額 ?
什麼是營業損失 ?
租賃車屬於營業用車,在維修期間自然會產生所謂的「營業損失」,依據政府定型化契約規定,車輛修復期間,承租方須照常繳付租金,期間在10日以內者, 應償付該期間租車定價的7成;在11日以上15日以內,應償付該期間租車定價的6成;在16日以上者,則需負擔該期間租金定價的5成,最高以30日為限。
為保障用車客戶權益,建議旅遊前可向保險公司投保旅遊平安保險 (外國人士請向所屬國家保險公司投保,請務必確認條款内是否保障「海外租車自駕旅遊」)